Archive for the ‘Energetic Connection’ Category

Two Places at the Same Time

Added October 26th, 2015 to Artwork, Energetic Connection, Training

Next week will be one year since I survived a near fatal accident when the car I was a passenger in, slammed into the back of a semi on an interstate freeway. In addition to other  bodily injuries as the result of the impact, a 5 gallon bottle of apple

Finding Your Own Voice in the Wilderness

Added December 31st, 2013 to Energetic Connection

  To find one’s own voice requires hearing one’s own voice – and listening. It may be felt deep within the body, or sensed as a “knowing” or “rightness.”  It may come in the form of stillness, or be experienced in a flow of effortless momentum – having the wind at your back or being carried down stream by the current. Hearing our own voices is generally

Perceiving Multiple Levels in Nature

Added August 10th, 2013 to Energetic Connection

We can walk in nature with an awareness of physical reality – the color of the leaves on the trees, the mountains is the distance, the sound of a river, while feeling the warmth of the rays of sunlight hitting our arms. At the same time by slowing down and

Living in Connection with the Natural World

Added May 24th, 2013 to Energetic Connection

The paq’os I have worked with in Peru have taught me that one way to experience the energetic connection in our bodies is through entering into a receptive in nature. Walking through the damp grass and fallen leaves in a wooded forest after a rainfall, feeling a connection to everything

Building Energy Power

Added April 20th, 2013 to Energetic Connection

Power is accessed and developed through connection. This connection can occur with one’s own self, nature, creative acts, and through a reciprocal exchange with others that Inca paqos (shamans) refer to as being in right relationship. Although we sometimes forget this living in the modern world, the ability to hold

The Energy Body as a Record of the Past

Added March 17th, 2013 to Energetic Connection

In psychoanalytic theory, it is understood that the disaster that we fear may occur  in the future is actually a memory of a traumatic event that has already happened in the past. Whatever we have not worked through from the past is carried forward in our memories and in our

The Power of Kausay and Levels of Perception

Added February 25th, 2013 to Energetic Connection

Medicine people learn to source, or draw life energy, or kausay, from Pachamama because, unlike people, the land is constant and the energy is always there. Shamans live their lives by tending to kausay, or fertility in nature.  Kausay is the building block of shamanism and Incan medicine. Kausay is

The Feeling Behind Connection: Essence over Form

Added January 23rd, 2013 to Energetic Connection

Rituals, techniques, and symbols are a way of holding the life force of kausay because they provide context and a means of understanding energetic experience. They are the container that holds the energy – but they are not the energetic connection itself. Kausay is the collective energy source that brings life.  We are in kausay through loving,

Grounding and Centering in our Collective Culture with Intention

Added January 1st, 2013 to Energetic Connection

Most of us have an easier time experiencing being present in our bodies when we are in touch with nature, and we allow ourselves to mentally “drop” into a quiet meditative state. This process involves shifting into a receptive mind set, and feeling a connection of kausay (life force). Staying connected with kausay energy, occurs