Perceiving Multiple Levels in Nature

Saturday, August 10th, 2013

We can walk in nature with an awareness of physical reality – the color of the leaves on the trees, the mountains is the distance, the sound of a river, while feeling the warmth of the rays of sunlight hitting our arms. At the same time by slowing down and perceiving more acutely we can sense the subtle differences in energy vibration in the different areas of our landscape through – sound, color, or smell. We can detect differences in the texture and temperature of the energy. We can feel connection to a mountain in our bodies, and feel it in our hearts.

If we allow ourselves to shift even more deeply into a connected state, we may began to perceive subtle differences in ourselves, in our own energy bodies – perhaps enabling us to perceive a different impression of our physical makeup – who we are in this present moment in rime and space. If we try to think about it, we will lose it. If we try to understand with our minds – we won’t. Doing this requires dropping what we know, and staying open to what we don’t know.

As we grow accustomed to perceiving at the energetic level, we develop the ability to sense our energetic link to everything living around us by experiencing it through our energetic field. Interacting with nonordinary reality occurs in this heightened state of awareness. As we become more accustomed to experiencing the world through our luminous body, we become aware of being connected by seeing or feeling the connection at the same time we are observing the world through our ordinary senses. This kind of perceptual state that bridges ordinary and nonordinary reality allows us to experience both states simultaneously.


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