Finding Quiya Stones to Build a Mesa

Friday, August 16th, 2013


Paqos serve Pachamama by feeling Pachamama. This connection happens in relationship with the mesa. The mesa anchors the paqo to the earth, and as an intermediary, serves as the gateway to the spirit world through connection with kausay pacha. A mesa‘s capacity to hold power or energy is a function of the strength of the paqo’s relationship with Pachamama.

Finding a q’uiya or mesa stone is something that happens when you are in a receptive state and paying attention. It is not something that can be forced. When a stone becomes a q’uiya, it becomes a sacred object. Sometimes a q’uiya chooses us. Q’uiyas can appear suddenly in our path. They can also disappear from our mesas when our work together is complete, and it is time for us to say goodbye.

Building a mesa is an act of love, and q’uiyas – like mates – should be chosen very carefully. A q’uiya stone is a living being that becomes a member of our medicine body. Like the human form, it helps if the shape or aesthetic form of a mesa stone is unified and complete. It is important that the stone is not missing limbs; that is not chipped or with pieces missing. Mesa stones must be capable of holding energy – as well as information.

Bringing a new q’uiya into a mesa is similar to bringing a new member into a family. Everyone must get along and work together. Each q’uiya has its own location, similar to each member of a family having a seat at the dinner table. Using intention, the sacred stones are woven together to form a rich tapestry connecting our energy body to Pachamama, and the spirit world. In order for our power, or our capacity to hold energy, through the medicine body of our mesa to grow, we need to be in ayni with our q’uiyas, – and the q’uiya must be in relationship with each other. This dynamic relationship between q’uiya stones develops either as a union of opposites balancing masculine and feminine energy (yanantin), or through an alignment of similar energy (masintin).

Mesas can provide us with deep wisdom if we take the time to listen. A q’uiya stone can become an important a teacher. Each stone is imprinted with information and energy that we discover as our knowledge and understanding of the q’uiya deepens. A paqo’s relationship with a mesa is a love affair, and as in any significant intimate relationship, it requires attention in order to grow and thrive. Caring for a mesa is similar to tending to a young child – or any living being for that matter – it needs to be fed, purified, listened to, and treated with respect. We feed our mesas with love and intention, sitting with them and giving them our full attention. I have found it is easiest to connect with my mesa when I am in nature, the place where it is easiest for me to shift into communicating with the spirit world.



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