Archive for the ‘Web sites’ Category

Comments from Ellen Winner

Added May 11th, 2013 to Resources, Web sites

Hi, Deborah, This is fan mail. I just finished reading your book and am very impressed. Very, very deep. I so appreciated your descriptions of what you experienced and honest exposure of the details of your and Perry’s life that grounded it. Also, the heroic work of making sense of

The Institute of Noetic Sciences™,

Added October 20th, 2012 to Resources, Web sites

The Institute of Noetic Sciences™, was established by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell as a nonprofit research, education, and membership organization for the purpose of supporting individual and collective transformation through consciousness research, educational outreach, and engaging a global learning community in the realization of our human potential. IONS™ conducts, sponsors,

Weather Thor’s Day

Added October 5th, 2012 to Resources, Web sites

Welcome to Weather Thor’s Day – a weekly offering to the global conversation about the weather, from the perspective of Weather Shamanism. We dedicate Weather Thor’s Day to the spirits of weather and those willing to open their hearts to them. Our purpose is to engender and encourage greater understanding,

Shaman Portal: The Global Resource for all things

Added October 2nd, 2012 to Resources, Web sites
by is dedicated to creating a vibrant global community of people striving to teach and learn about the rich heritage of Earth and Spirit honoring practiced by all shamanic traditions. We believe that the wisdom of these traditions are essential to maintaining spiritual, mental and physical balance in our modern