
Masters of the Living Energy: The Mystical World of the Q’ero of Peru by Joan Parisi Wilcox

Added September 15th, 2012 to Books, Resources

Before visiting Peru to work with the Q’ero shamans, I read “Masters of the Living Energy: The Mystical World of the Q’ero of Peru.” I found this book to be a valuable and thorough resource for an introduction to the traditions of Q’ero shamanism. Joan does a nice job accurately defining terms and practices, based upon her conversations with different shamans and direct personal experience.

The Shaman’s Body: A New Shamanism for Transforming Health, Relationships, and the Community by Arnold Mindell

Added September 15th, 2012 to Books, Resources

In “The Shaman’s Body,” Arnold Mindell presents a heart-centered approach of shamanism. Mindell includes colorful personal narratives to explain his therapeutic process, as well as professional experience working individually with patients in comas that are are often near death, offering a shaman’s perspective to understanding therapy and healing.

The Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing

Added September 15th, 2012 to Resources, Training

The Last Mask Community is a group of people actively engaged in living the shamanic principles and teachings of The Cycle of Transformation. The group is a non-local shamanic community living from shared shamanic paradigm in the modern world. We endeavor to live from a place of reciprocity and gratitude at all times for those things we love joyfully and those challenging dynamics in life that bring us gifts.

The mission of Last Mask Center is three-fold. The first is to  offer a high quality shamanic healing from an initiated shaman  and the necessary integration of these often chaotic/cathartic  experiences. The second is to teach the new “life skills”  necessary to live in a way that honors and celebrates the  wholeness and integrity of the soul in a culture that doesn’t.  The third is to offer community healing rituals to heal the types  of wounds and illness that cannot be healed one-on-one, in any  modality.

800-927-2527 ext 02586


Comments on “Faces of the Winged Beings” Art Exhibit

Added September 15th, 2012 to Uncategorized
I really dig these paintings. I appreciate it when work continues to affect me after I see it, and I’ve found myself thinking about these paintings a number of times this last week. There is something about the primacy of they eyes in this work that I’ve wondered about a lot since we had Rowbi. Those little kids are really attracted to big eyeballs in cartoons and images. It’s a recognition of life-likeness that I think we maintain as adults, but it becomes more sophisticated. We look instead for the gleam.. the * in the eye that indicates life-likeness. It sounded like many people had the response to your work. That imagery combined with the layering and excavation process is powerful. Very cool. Congrats. Feels good to make good work. It means you’re becoming a better person.
Andy Rising

A Commentary on Mark Winborn’s Deep Blues: Human Soundscapes for the Archetypal Journey by Deborah Bryon

Added September 15th, 2012 to Articles

A Commentary on Mark Winborn’s Deep Blues: Human Soundscapes for the Archetypal Journey by Deborah Bryon

Originally published in Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, Summer 2012, Vol. 6, Num. 3, pp. 96-97 (

Sandra Ingerman and

Added September 15th, 2012 to Books, Resources, Training

Sandra Ingerman and

Sandra Ingerman is the author of eight books including “Soul Retrieval,” “Medicine for the Earth,” “Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide,” “How to Heal Toxic Thoughts,” “How to Thrive in Changing Times and Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation.” Working from a heart-centered focus, Sandra also facilitates workshops internationally.on shamanic healing practices. Her book, “Soul Retrieval” is widely acclaimed as a primary resource on this topic.

Sandra Ingerman  Shamanic Teachers Address:

Sandra Ingerman  P.O. Box 4757  Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502  USA


Society of Shamanic Practitioners

Added September 15th, 2012 to Resources, Training, Uncategorized

Society of Shamanic Practitioners (SSP)

The Society of Shamanic Practitioners is a diverse alliance of shamanic healers, with the objective of promoting the dissemination of information and knowledge of shamanic practices in the modern world. Practices include soul retreival, depossession, tracking, psychic clearing, and etheric healing.


Society of Shamanic Practitioners Address:

Society of Shamanic Practitioners

2300 Eighth Street   Olivenhain,

CA USA 92024

Phone:          (760) 586-8252

Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS)

Added September 15th, 2012 to Resources, Training

Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS)

The Foundation for Shamanic Studies offers training programs in core shamanism and shamanic healing, based upon the work of anthropologist Michael Harner from his work with indigenous cultures around the world. The Foundation for Shamanic Studies is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation, study, and teaching of shamanism, The training program is derived from commonalities he has observed among different shamanic traditions.


Foundation for Shamanic Studies Address:

Foundation for Shamanic Studies

P.O. Box 1939   Mill Valley, CA 94942

Phone:             (415) 897-6416

Andean Research Institute

Added September 14th, 2012 to Andean Research Institute, Classes, Training

ARI is an Andean research/healing/learning center in Maras, Peru, which is in the Sacred Valley. The purpose of the center is to preserve ancient healing traditions, technology, knowledge, and stories of the Andean medicine healers.
The center will become a school of shamanic studies where shamans and students can meet and exchange ideas, methodologies and visions.
ARI’s vision for a new world stretches beyond any one of us. It is said a shaman’s effectiveness in their service entails the amount of landscape they can embody. ARI is dedicated to embody all of Life and to bring the love and wisdom of the Andean ways without limit. ARI will be the vehicle to create a strong community that can help humanity and the planet.

Book Review for “Coming Full Circle: Ancient Teachings for a Modern World

Added September 9th, 2012 to Books

In “Coming Full Circle: Ancient Teachings for a Modern World,” Lynn Andrews speaks the voice of a wise elder with deep knowledge of the shamanic tradition, weaving her past and present experience with her sisterhood teachers from all over the world. She takes us with her on her incredible journey as she recapitulates her personal story, providing readers with the opportunity for growth and healing. This book offers a wonderful window into the realm of shamanism and exploring non-ordinary reality. I highly recommend it!

Deborah Bryon

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