
2 Day Ubuntu Workshop

Added October 5th, 2012 to Uncategorized

Time: November 10, 2012 at 12:30pm to November 11, 2012 at 8:30pm

Location: Edge of the Circle Books  Street: 701 East Pike Street  City/Town: Seattle, WA 98122  

Website or Map:

Phone:             206-713-5283     

Organized By: Kate Merriwether Lynch

Please join us for an exciting 2 day workshop that will focus on reconnecting people to Nature through traditional, indigenous practices of dreaming, medicinal plants and heartbeat meditations.  ‘Ubuntu’ is a Xhosa word that means “humanity”.  This workshop is suitable for people with some shamanic knowledge and/or serious shamanic seekers.   On day 1 of this workshop (11/10/2012 from 12:3pm – 8:30pm), John will teach us to connect with our Ancestors in the Sangoma way.  In the middle of the room an altar will be constructed containing sacred objects from the participants.  This will begin the process of deepening the connection to spirit.  Participants will be taught Xhosa chants to facilitate their deepening relationship with their ancestors and the Spirit World.  In the plant blessing ceremony, John uses a sacred Xhosa Sangoma mixture to help people connect more deeply the Spirit World.  John will offer it to each participant who will wash their faces with this deep, white foamy mixture with a strong herbal smell.  Neither hallucinogens nor psychoactive substances are used in the mixture.  John mixes the Plant Medicine with group singing to build the spiritual energy of the group to enhance the potency of the medicinal plant wash.   On day 2 (11/11/2012 from 12:30 – 8:30pm), most of the day will be spent discussion participant’s dreams.  John will offer instruction and simple techniques that can be used in your personal practice.   

  Contact for pricing and availability.  

2013 Upcoming Shamanic Workshops at The Hollow Bone -Wisconsin

Added October 5th, 2012 to Events

 The Hollow Bone ( )

For inquiries: Ana Larramendi (608-255-4333)

Shamanic Craft Weekend:   Ana Larramendi: January 25-27, 2013. Dodgeville, WI   Back by popular demand!   Many of us shamanic practitioners have “projects” of medicine objects we have started to make, or are wanting to make, but have not had the time, or knowledge to proceed. A number of you have approached me asking for guidance and suggestions on how to make different items. This has inspired me to create a weekend devoted to making medicine objects, where you can be supported in a community of shamanic practitioners and bring your object from the visioning stage to completion, and empowerment.   Projects may include:   Drum painting • Raw-hide rattle making • Talking sticks • Feather cases • Feather fan• Leather medicine bag • Amulets • Carved sacred figures • Hand-made Rune set • Pouches for medicine objects • Beaded necklaces or bracelets • Pine needle baskets • Bone tools • Medicine shield • Altar cloths • Sacred clothing… Etc…   To Register, Contact Ana Larramendi (608) 255-4333.

The Way of the Shaman: Michael Harner’s The Way of the Shaman® Shamanic Journeying, Power, and Healing   Timothy Cope- FSS instructor: February 9-10, 2013. Madison, WI   The Basic Workshop in Core Shamanism (Weekend) During the Basic experiential workshop, participants are introduced to core shamanism, the universal and near-universal basic methods of the shaman to enter non-ordinary reality for problem solving and healing. Particular emphasis is on the classic shamanic journey, one of the most remarkable visionary methods used by humankind to explore the hidden universe otherwise known mainly through myth and dream. Participants are initiated into shamanic journeying, aided by drumming and other techniques for experiencing the shamanic state of consciousness and for awakening dormant spiritual abilities, including connections with Nature. This training satisfies the prerequisites for many of The Hollow Bone workshops   To register, contact Gerrie Ordaz (608) 695-8620

 Compassionate Depossession: Betsy Bergstrom: April 16-19, 2013. Dodgeville, WI   Sometimes, a person who has experienced soul loss or other traumas may find that they have become a host to suffering beings or entities. These suffering beings may live off of a person’s energy and influence them in a variety of ways. Illness, depression, substance abuse, phobias, emotional problems, suicidal tendencies and other issues may be in part due to the influence or overshadowing of beings that have attached to the client. These beings are generally people whose own experience at the time of death has become compromised in such a way that they did not successfully make their own journey to the Light. Compassionate Depossession is a humane therapy that benefits both the client and the attached suffering being, even if that suffering being is reluctant to cross into the Light.       This training will teach students spiritual protection as well as methods for compassionate depossession.  Examples of what will be learned include:   ·          Connecting with and calling in protector spirits and power animals prior to depossession work.   ·          Merging with our Divine, true self-the Divine light which protects us.   ·          Calling in our personal Angels and Archangels.   ·          Guiding the client as a channel for the suffering being.   ·          Strategies to communicate with possessing spirits and move them to the light.   ·          Tracking the divine light that resides in all suffering beings to compassionately heal them.   ·          Healing the residual tears in the luminous field left after depossession is completed.   ·          How to deal with the random intrusions of spirits wanting to cross over.       To Register, Contact Ana Larramendi (608) 255-4333


Advanced Compassionate Depossession:   Betsy Bergstrom: April 19-23, 2013. Dodgeville, WI   This course is designed for serious shamanic practitioners who are finding the need for advanced-level skills in depossession and curse unraveling work. This 4-day residential workshop includes extensive review, demonstrations, and practical experience. This workshop builds on the foundation skills taught in the basic Introduction to Compassionate Depossession. This class includes:   ·          Approaching Compassionate Clearing work with a sacred intention and motivation   ·          Helping ourselves and our clients to become “Sovereign” and remain that way   ·          Protocols for working with complex cases of possession including multiple possession, sorcery and ancestral patterns   ·          Power Stacking: merging with Allies, including additional Allies of Light   ·          Lords and Ladies of Death…advanced Compassionate Allies for advanced work   ·          Tahlten Extraction…Safe and effective “Hands-on” extraction work for obsessions   ·          Advanced True Self work…effectively setting the field for faster, more powerful clearing work   ·          Protection and Healing Fields…empower your office, “waiting room” or workspace to be more powerfully protected   ·          Personal “Light Building” to keep vibrant and less drained by Middleworld work   ·          Clearing “Death Wishes” and various contracts   ·          Tools to remain neutral, objective, clear in accomplishing this profound work   To Register, Contact Ana Larramendi (608) 255-4333

 Sacred Relationship and the Elemental World: Marko Pogačnik: May 8-12, 2013. Dodgeville, WI   The life around and within us could not exist in its abundance without the busy hands of innumerable elemental beings and nature spirits. But who are those beings in their essence? Which cosmic dimension is their home? Who are their masters and teachers? Marko will lead us into the causal sphere of the elemental world, called also the “devic”.  Then he will teach how to experience the fairy worlds in their archetypal dimension and to understand their cosmic order.       This residential class will take us deep into the world of Nature Spirits and Elemental beings in order to help us develop our sacred relationship with the land and her many archetypal dimensions. The Author will lead the group to several places in this Driftless Region of Wisconsin that bear the mark of the Universal Mother’s presence. There we will train ourselves in communication with her cosmic presence. He will also show exercises that can be used in the daily practice to stay in touch with the cosmic feminine in us and around us.   To Register, Contact Ana Larramendi (608) 255-4333

Weather Shamanism (Practicum): Nan Moss and David Corbin: May 22-26, 2013. Dodgeville, WI   A Spiritual Path of Personal Growth and Global Healing

Weather is a primary tool of Creation. Weather makes and remakes our world. An expression and force of Nature, weather creates, nurtures, shapes – and reconfigures – the Earth. We are all touched by the weather as it continually affects our physiological and emotional well-being. Weatherdancing is weather shamanism at its best. Its core is an ethical alliance between humans and the spiritual forces of Nature and her weathers. As a spiritual path and practice dedicated to healing our world and our hearts, weatherdancing requires respectful interactions between humans and all our relations. There is no room for personal gain. There is no intended harm to others. This is neither a path nor a relationship of “power-over.” It is never about controlling the weather. Weatherdancing is about the right use of power. As such it is a collaboration with compassionate beings on behalf of all life on Earth.   To Register, Contact Ana Larramendi (608) 255-4333

Boulder Friends of Jung

Added October 5th, 2012 to Events, Resources

Linda Schierse Leonard, Ph.D. Jungian Analyst

” AT 75 ” On her 75th birthday Linda Leonard reflects on challenges and discoveries at this stage of life.

Friday Evening Lecture: October 12, 2012  –  7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

“The Boulder Friends of Jung happened to choose October 12, 2012 as the date of my presentation. Since this was the date of my 75th birthday the title, “AT 75”, immediately arose. What a challenge, I thought. But I decided it was appropriate to take on this topic and will speak spontaneously as well as dialogue about my experiences and reflections at this stage of life. Since the talk will be personal, I will welcome reflections and questions and exploring with the audience.

“I will talk about the possibilities and limitations of aging, some reflections on time, memory and life review.  And I will mention some of the sources of inspiration for me at this stage of life – poems, films and historical figures who have inspired me.  The tension of the opposites is always with us, so I will share some of the joys and the difficulties and the ever present struggle to find balance and growth in the adventure of transformation.”

Linda Leonard, Ph.D. has been a Jungian Analyst for forty years and is in private practice in Boulder. She is a founding member of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts and was the first analyst to come to Colorado in 1973. She is the author of six books: The Wounded Woman, On the Way to the Wedding, Witness to the Fire, Meeting the Madwoman, Following the Reindeer Woman and The Call to Create. Her books have been translated in 16 languages. She also lectures and gives seminars internationally and taught philosophy at the University of Colorado, Denver, San Diego State University, and other colleges. She is presently working on two books – one on aging and one on film

Weather Thor’s Day

Added October 5th, 2012 to Resources, Web sites

Welcome to Weather Thor’s Day – a weekly offering to the global conversation about the weather, from the perspective of Weather Shamanism. We dedicate Weather Thor’s Day to the spirits of weather and those willing to open their hearts to them. Our purpose is to engender and encourage greater understanding, wonderment, respect, and gratitude for the weathers of the world. Our desire is to support enlivened, harmonious relationships between humans and weather. To this end Weather Thor’s Day is a space for pertinent, provocative and celebratory teachings, anecdotes, factoids, current events and more regarding weather’s many manifestations, spiritual nature, and how weather and humans affect one another.

Shaman Portal: The Global Resource for all things

Added October 2nd, 2012 to Resources, Web sites
by is dedicated to creating a vibrant global community of people striving to teach and learn about the rich heritage of Earth and Spirit honoring practiced by all shamanic traditions. We believe that the wisdom of these traditions are essential to maintaining spiritual, mental and physical balance in our modern world.

Finding Meaning

Added September 28th, 2012 to Uncategorized

In our last meeting together during my most recent visit to Peru, the Q’ero shamans said to those of us who had received Mosoq Karpay and Hatun Karpay initiation rites, “We have been chosen by the mountain spirit for a path of service and must take the ancestral knowledge we have been given back to our communities.” Andean shamans have had the prophetic vision that time on our planet is speeding up and that great change in the nature of our world is beginning to occur. Although we are on the verge of planetary destruction, we are also living at a time of great opportunity for change, which is brought about by existing in a point in history when things are shifting rapidly and are in a state of flux. For this reason, Andean shamans are, for the first time, passing down their lineage to Westerners such as myself. They are giving us the wisdom of their ancestors’ teachings. The shamans believe that the next group of medicine people will come from the West.

In exchange for being given the sacred teaching and initiation rites I promised to bring this information to others in the West. My focus has been on exploring how to make meaning from numinous experience after intense shamanic initiation, while in the process of cultural re-assimilation, based upon my personal journey training with the Q’ero shamans. As a psychologist and Jungian analyst, I have explored this phenomenon through the lens of a shaman and a psychologist–and from my own human experience.

Through this process, the life lessons that I have learned are:

1)    The best way to manage stress is through living a full and meaningful life.

2)    Meaning is found through creative expression, being in connection. Connection can be with nature, other people, and some version of spirituality, which for many people is a means of “giving back.

3)    We heal and develop a sense of freedom by experiencing what we are the most afraid of and from these experiences, we are able to create meaning.

Society for the Study of Shamanism

Added September 24th, 2012 to Uncategorized

PO Box 1855                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sebastopol, California 95473                                                                                                               

The Society for Shamanism, Healing and Transformation is dedicated to offering public education in shamanism, contemporary disciplines, and healing modalities, The Society holds an annual conference on shamanism, healing and transformation, and provides a forum to facilitate a deeper dialogue may take place about healing, transformation of consciousness and wholeness on a personal, communal and planetary level. Indigenous Shamans from diverse cultures and traditions are invited to share their practices.  as well as honoring healers and Shamans from various traditions including the scientific and visual and performing arts.


Discussion at Nic Nac Nook Book Store

Added September 24th, 2012 to Uncategorized

Discussion Presentation on “Lessons of the Inca Shamans: Piercing the Veil,”  at Nic Nac Nook Bookstore

Sunday, November 11th, 1-3 PM

4280 Morrison Road

Denver, CO 80219


Places of Power: Shamanic Sourcing

Added September 19th, 2012 to Uncategorized

Shamanism is based upon the connection among all living things and the awareness that everything in nature is alive. Q’ero shamans in Peru say that they source from the mountains, or pachamama, because pachamama is always there.  Meaning is an energetic experience, not a theoretical concept, that comes from being in ayni – right relationship – with the natural world around us. Being in right relationship enables us to “source” the life force of nature.Q’ero shamans derive their power through their connection with the land – whether it is sitting on top of a mountain or on a waka, an energetic power spot that exists in nature. Jungle shamans source from the rainforest and the Amazon. The Amazon is yet another expression of the great mother.

Dropping into connection with a quiet lagoon, deep in the rainforest of tha Amazon jungle can be a journey returning to the fertile belly of the great mother, into a place that feels anceint existing before the beginning of time. It is experienced as existing outside of time , entering into a dimension that has always been there – and will always be there. It is possible to bring this connection back into awareness in the “day world” as a place to source from. Like any relatoinship it needs to respectfully be tended to and nurtured in order to grow it and keep it alive. This is one of the ways shamans learn to increase their capacity to hold power, or energetic connection.

Jung Society of Colorado

Added September 16th, 2012 to Classes, Resources

The C.G. Jung Society of Colorado was founded in 1976, and is dedicated to bringing lectures and other presentations related to Jungian psychology to the general public.  Our lectures are held monthly during the academic year, and the cost is modest.  We seek presenters who are Jungian analysts, psychotherapists, artists, teachers, religious leaders — people interested in sharing their experience of, and research in, this ever-expanding field of study.  The lectures are aimed at a wide audience, all the way from the curious novice to the experienced Jungian analyst.  Since its inception, the Jung Society board has been made up of individuals with an interest, indeed a passion, for Jung’s ideas and those of modern Jungian theorists.  We want to share that passion with our community.

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