Workshops on Andean Medicine and Upcoming trips to Peru

Saturday, November 16th, 2013



Preliminary Schedule

Winter/Spring 2014 (Dates TBA)  

Sacred Ceremonial Pilgrimage with Andean Altomesayoq in Capital Reef Utah      

Led by the Altomesayoq Adolfo Tito Condori. Facilitated by Deborah Bryon Ph.D., Jungian analyst, author of the books,“Lessons of the Inca Shamans: Part 1 and 2.”

Our vision has created a journey of traditional Incan shamanic training  in ancient Anazazi energetic power sites with the high shaman  Altomesayoq Adolfo Tito Condori. Adolfo is one of only eight altomesayoqs living in Peru today. In addition to an emersion into the practice of traditional Andean rituals, fertile space will be held in the sacred desert of Capital Reef for learning about working with the mesa medicine bundle and creative imagery from personal dream states and visions.


June 2014  

Sacred Initiation Journey of the Andean Shaman in Peru : Part II Learn the Spiritual Traditions of the Incas with Altomesayoq Adolfo Tito Condori. Facilitated by Deborah Bryon, Ph.D, Jungian Analyst, author of the books “Lessons of the Inca Shamans: Parts 1 and 2.”

The Altomesayoq  (high shaman) Adolfo Tito Condori and the Andean medicine people will assist us into paradigm shifts of deep knowledge and healing. This almost extinct lineage of shamans, the Altomesayoqs, have the ability to summon and materialize mountain spirits for healings, information, and rituals. Adolfo will give us direct knowledge of the experience of relationship with the Santa Tierras, the elementals of the land and the Apu hierarchy of mountain spirits. The medicine people of AKQ will share their sacred world, filled with oral traditions, supernatural beliefs, legends, and colorful myths. They will teach us enter into their animistic world to understand qualities of energy, and healing modalities. On our journey we will travel across high mountain roads, to visit sacred ice-clad peaks and emerald lagoons. We will camp under the radiant stars of the night sky of the southern hemisphere. Master ceremonialists will teach the ancient Andean rituals deepening our vision and connection in munay, right relationship with the powerful spirits of the land.

August 10 ‐ 23, 2014

The Way of the Untamed Mystery: The Amazon and the Incas

Led by Jose Luis Herrera, facilitated by Deborah Bryon, Ph.D, Jungian Analyst, author of the books, “Lessons of the Inca Shaman:Part 1 and 2,” and Carol Dearborn Artist, President Emeritus of the Sufficiency Foundation

This is one of the most dramatic, challenging and ecologically diverse journeys put together. We immerse ourselves into the technologies of healing and Cosmo-vision of two great geographies, the Amazon Rainforest and the mighty Andes Mountains The journey takes us into the deep jungles of the southern Amazon to temples in the clouds perched on holy mountains in Cusco, Machu Picchu, and the colossal Holy Mountain Ausangate. The goal of this journey is to experience the ceremonies, traditions, and cosmology of Master Jaguar and Mountain Shamans.

October 2014       

Sacred Initiation Journey of the Andean Shaman in Peru: Part I 

Learn the Spiritual Traditions of the Incas with Altomesayoq Adolfo Tito Condori. Facilitated by Deborah Bryon, Ph.D, Jungian Analyst, author of the books “Lessons of the Inca Shamans: Parts 1 and 2.”

 The Altomesayoq  (high shaman) Adolfo Tito Condori and the Andean medicine people will assist us into paradigm shifts of deep knowledge and healing. This almost extinct lineage of shamans, the Altomesayoqs, have the ability to summon and materialize mountain spirits for healings, information, and rituals. Adolfo will give us direct knowledge of the experience of relationship with the Santa Tierras, the elementals of the land and the Apu hierarchy of mountain spirits. The medicine people of AKQ will share their sacred world, filled with oral traditions, supernatural beliefs, legends, and colorful myths. They will teach us enter into their animistic world to understand qualities of energy, and healing modalities. On our journey we will travel across high mountain roads, to visit sacred ice-clad peaks and emerald lagoons. We will camp under the radiant stars of the night sky of the southern hemisphere. Master ceremonialists will teach the ancient Andean rituals deepening our vision and connection in munay, right relationship with the powerful spirits of the land.



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