The Energy Body as a Record of the Past

Sunday, March 17th, 2013

In psychoanalytic theory, it is understood that the disaster that we fear may occur  in the future is actually a memory of a traumatic event that has already happened in the past. Whatever we have not worked through from the past is carried forward in our memories and in our bodies. This premise corresponds to to the theories about karma in Eastern religions, as well as with the shaman’s belief that the totality of our experience is carried in the etheric field, what Carl Jung referred to as the subtle body.

When we relate to our experience energetically (i.e. through the charge we carry in our body that emerges when we remember something that has happened to us in the past), the constraints of linear sequential time are less applicable. Understanding our connection with time as a relationship between layers is more accurate.

At any given moment, we are experiencing  reality through  multiple channels.For example, we are who perceive ourselves to be – are as we are in our bodies in our present state (i.e. our persona). In addition, we are our past memories as we are currently holding them in the present, and we are also what we are holding in our unconscious. In other words, as Jung said, we are also our shadow – whatever we think we are NOT.

Many of us try to avoid thinking about painful memories – because they are painful. When traumatic memories become psychically “walled off,” or repressed they stay preserved in a “frozen state,” However, even when they have been “forgotten,”  and we have become  unaware of them through using avoidant defenses, we are still carrying them with us in our energy body. Freud said – and I happen to agree with him – that whenever we are carrying an experience with us that we do not want to face – and are not looking at, we will “act out” the memory in behavior as a means of seeking resolution. Because of this, the past becomes the present because our psyches possess an innate sense of agency to heal ourselves.

As memories are accessed into consciousness – they change. Neurologically, making psychic connections changes the structure of neurons – more dendrites are formed creating a bidirectional relationship between our experience, physical structure, and conscious awareness.  When memories change – the charge associated with them is altered as well, Which in turn, alters the energy body. As a result our relationship with the past is bi-directional – the past lives in the present, and through remembering we alter the past.


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