The Feeling Behind Connection: Essence over Form

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013

Rituals, techniques, and symbols are a way of holding the life force of kausay because they provide context and a means of understanding energetic experience. They are the container that holds the energy – but they are not the energetic connection itself. Kausay is the collective energy source that brings life.  We are in kausay through loving, being, creating, and feeling – as expressions of pachamama. Shamans derive their power through embodying the experience of the connection, by becoming the conduit. Similar to painting once an artist has a deeper understanding of their subject they find their own language to articulate the experience, by serving the experience and being the experience. Artists fall in love with what they are trying to visiaully describe and this is what brings it to life.We are in the flow when we are allowing the experience to move through us and we do not try to control it. The connection grows when we become it, dance it, breathe it, taste it, and embody it.

Artistic expression occurs through finding your own voice, as a way of describing an authentic experience – from the inside out. The ritual is only the point of departure. The technique is the format, but the connection is what is essential. At times, living in this culture there is a tendency to focus on the preciseness of a methology rather than staying true to the connection. We can lose the forest ‘fore the trees by losing ourselves in the details. When we are connected we transcend the need for structure, through our commitment to serving pachamama, our connection with the land, and with everything living around us.

Ultimately when we are serving the experience we become the experience and the form drops away. We move from being caught in the physical experience with discreet boundaries to the essential energetic experience. Intention  in serving the collective is the way we open to the experience and embody it.



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